Poetry Cornwall
11a Penryn Street, Redruth, Cornwall TR15 2SP
Phone 44 (0) 1209 218209

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Poetry Cornwall - Bardhonyeth Kernow

Editor - Founder
Les Merton

There were several reasons for starting Poetry Cornwall/Bardhonyeth Kernow.

Many Celtic nations have poetry magazines, Les Merton believed Cornwall/Kernow should be included.

With the help and talent of graphic designer Bob Cookson the magazine was launched in March 2002.

Issue Number One included 'Visits to the Lizard' by Peter Redgrove which ensured the magazine had the kudos it needed at the start.

Issue Number 2, followed in the July of 2002, and included a special Penelope Shuttle supplement and also featured DM Thomas in the great Cornish Poet's section.

The magazine was artistically pleasing - it set out to commission different artists, for cover illustrations. This insured variety and created a focus: the magazine was setting out to be unpredictable.

The magazine went from strength to strength: attracting subscribers and submissions from around the world.

At the end of 2003 Bob Cookson left to concentrate on his own art.

Mike Chapple from ImageSet took over the magazine design and Trystan Mitchell who had already contributed illustrations for issues Three and Five became the cover designer. The combination of the talents of the new team ensures even greater enthusiasm for Poetry Cornwall/Bardhonyeth Kernow.

Founder Editor Les Merton is an advocate of getting more art and literature into the community and he is committed to the inspiration of creativity. His Cornish based poetry magazine with the loyalty of its contributors, subscribers and helpers achieves all of these aims.


Poetry Cornwall/Bardhonyeth Kernow accepts poetry from around the world. There is always an interesting mix of poets, styles, and subject matter, most issues now have around 70 different contributors.

Many other magazines can of course say the same. However, what makes Poetry Cornwall/Bardhonyeth Kernow unique is:- It includes poetry in the author's original language with English translation and of course this includes Kernewek (Cornish language) with translation. Dialect is also another popular item.

Other features include:-

Meet the Editors section in every issue, an essential read for everyone interested in poetry magazines and the small press world.

A Great Cornish Poet is featured regularly and these have included, John Harris, DM Thomas, William Quintrell, Robert Stephen Hawker, Pol Hodge, Humphry Davy, Richard Garfield Jenkin and Bert Biscoe

International names and newcomers sharing pages.

There are articles that stimulate and inform.


Poetry Cornwall/Bardhonyeth Kernow has regular competitions and a yearly review section.


Awen re bo dhis - May you have poetic inspiration.

Great value at £3.50 per issue or £10 (for 3 issues)

Enquiries, subscriptions, submissions (up to three poems with SSAE) to:-
Les Merton,
Editor - Poetry Cornwall/Bardhonyeth Kernow,
11a Penryn Street,
TR15 2SP


Please note only subscribers can submit via email.


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Send A5 size SAE with two loose first class stamps or 4 IRC's
and receive a free complimentary back issue.

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11a Penryn Street,
TR15 2SP


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